Discover all the very best Mike's Porterhouse Steaks & French Vegetable Melody recipes on the net within the one stop place that is cooking guide. Whether you are in search of a powerful appetizer, an elaborate meal, or a quick and easy Mike's Porterhouse Steaks & French Vegetable Melody , you will see that the recipes and recommendation you need. We provide you only the best Mike's Porterhouse Steaks & French Vegetable Melody recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Mike's Porterhouse Steaks & French Vegetable Melody
Mike's Porterhouse Steaks & French Vegetable Melody

Before you jump to Mike's Porterhouse Steaks & French Vegetable Melody recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Some Foods That Help Your Heart.

You already know that the body calls for a healthy heart. Think about this: How can the rest of your body continue to be healthy if your heart isn’t healthy? You already know that if you want your heart to be healthy, you must stick to a good and healthy lifestyle and exercise regularly. Still, are you aware that there are a number of foods that have been proven to help you improve the health of your heart? Continue reading to discover which foods are best for your heart.

Believe it or not, beans are really great for your heart. The after effects of consuming beans might not be so pleasant to smell, but they’re terrific for the inside of your body. This doesn’t mean that just consuming beans will neutralize the effects of other bad foods you might be consuming. What we are saying is that substituting in kidney beans or edamame for the chicken on your green salad or eating a soy burger in place of a beef hamburger is a great idea. The good news is that beans are tasty–good enough that you may not miss the meat.

There are dozens (if not more) of foods that are good for your body. It’s true that every food discussed in this article can help your body in numerous ways. They are particularly great, though, for promoting a healthy heart. Try to introduce these heart-healthy foods into your diet on a regular basis. Your heart will thank you for it!

We hope you got benefit from reading it, now let’s go back to mike's porterhouse steaks & french vegetable melody recipe. You can have mike's porterhouse steaks & french vegetable melody using 25 ingredients and 11 steps. Here is how you do it.

The ingredients needed to cook Mike's Porterhouse Steaks & French Vegetable Melody:
  1. You need ● For The Steaks
  2. Prepare Porterhouse Steaks [room temp]
  3. Provide Worshestershire Sauce
  4. Provide Weber Steak Shake
  5. Get Fresh Ground Black Pepper
  6. Use Course Sea Salt
  7. Get ● For The Steak Toppings
  8. You need Thick Sliced Viadailia Onions [you'll want em' sweet!]
  9. Prepare Thick Sliced Mushrooms
  10. Provide Salted Butter
  11. Take Garlic Olive Oil
  12. Get White Wine
  13. Get ● For The Vegetable Melody
  14. Take Baby Golden Russet Potatoes [rinsed - halved]
  15. Prepare Viadailia Onion [quartered]
  16. Get Celery [1" cubes]
  17. You need Green Bell Pepper [1" chopped]
  18. Prepare Garlic Cloves [left whole]
  19. Provide LG Carrot [peeled and 1" chopped]
  20. Take Quality White Wine
  21. You need Chicken Broth
  22. Get Course Sea Salt
  23. Get French Herbs De Provence you'll want a hint of lavender
  24. Prepare Fresh Ground Black Pepper
  25. Use Garlic Olive Oil [to coat vegetables]
Steps to make Mike's Porterhouse Steaks & French Vegetable Melody:
  1. Here's where you start. #1 Hit the mall and purchase her favourite perfume. Speed of you have to. And, make it a big bottle! #2 Take a selfy of you air blowing her an innocent, adoring loving kiss and have it professionally framed at same mall. [angry chicks really do seem to dig those photos for some reason?] #3 Make sure you buy her an extra large colorful card that says all of those sappy yacka yacka yacka pretty words and whatnot. Glitter, I've come to learn is also good.
  2. Step #4. Make her favorite meal. In her case, it's a massive grilled Porterhouse steak served with super fresh mushrooms, sweet Viadailia onions and a crispy French Herbs De Province vegetable melody.
  3. Other than that, here's what you'll need food wise. Easy peasy!
  4. Chop all of your vegetable melody and add seasonings, broth and white wine.
  5. Seal vegetables tightly and bake at 400° for 45 minutes. Stir once.
  6. Season your room temp steaks with fresh ground back pepper, fresh ground sea salt, steak seasoning [like webers] and Worcestershire Sauce.
  7. Grill your onions in butter, garlic olive oil, white wine and fresh ground black pepper until slightly translucent.
  8. Then add your mushrooms to the mix and sautee for 5 minutes longer.
  9. Grill steak as per her expectations! Rare - medium rare? Anyway, a good medium rare is always in order!
  10. Plate, serve and prepare to be worshipped! Serve with a quality white wine. Enjoy!
  11. Sorry baby! 😩

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